BREE WOLF is a USA Today bestselling author and award-winning word wizard, who is rarely seen without a book in hand or fingers glued to the keyboard. Searching for her true calling, Bree valiantly battled the hallowed halls of academia, earning a BA in English, an MA in Specialized Translation, and countless paper cuts. After wandering abroad and toiling at translation agencies and law firms in Ireland, she realized her heart belonged to one place only: the pages of a good romance novel.
With over 50 published works, Bree has crafted a myriad of intricately woven worlds where resilient heroines find once-in-a-lifetime love with complicated heroes. Through tales of heartbreak and triumph, her characters persevere to hard-won happily-ever-afters, taking readers along on the poignant journey.
Whether in Regency England, medieval castles or the drama of Highland lairds, Bree’s gift is capturing romance’s full emotional spectrum. Her stories sweep across landscapes and centuries but always promise hard-fought hope for heroes and heroines to find that magical blend of laughter, sorrow, passion and partnership that is true love.
A lifelong bookworm and language enthusiast, Bree is devoted to love stories that linger in a reader’s heart long after the last page. Her own heart beats through every tale promising romance as the greatest adventure

The Lass of Legend Series

The Flames of Winter Series
The Whickertons in Love Series
Die verliebten Whickertons (German Translations)
Q&A with Bree
Would you like to live in the time period and places you write about in your books?
Yes, it does sound like fun…in novels at least! The balls, the gowns, the gentlemen! Unfortunately, that is only fiction (hmm, I often kind of block that out!). Well, I do like having a voice and ruling over my own life so…NO! But I’d do a two-week time travel trip! You know, as a vacation. Would be fun, wouldn’t it?
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Noise! Lights! People! Anything really! I’m easily distracted. Perhaps I should work in a bunker, deep underground. Still, I often drift off in my mind from thought to thought, forgetting about the story I’m in the middle of writing. Now, what am I going to do about that?
What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
Oh, I like being in control. So, yes, I plan and plot and tie everything up in neat, little packages. Unfortunately, however, my characters often have a mind of their own and so it is not unheard of that my carefully laid-out plot gets tossed out the window and replaced by something utterly new and unexpected. But truthfully, I’ve never once regretted it!
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Both. It does make me feel alive and motivated and…like I’m on top of the world. But at the same time, I can feel the energy being sucked out of me. So, I write in the morning, and when my head starts buzzing, I stop. So far, it’s worked fine!