About Charlie Lane

USA Today Bestselling author Charlie Lane traded in academic databases and scholarly journals for writing steamy Regency romcoms like the ones she’s always loved to read. Her favorite authors are Jane Austen (who else?), Toni Morrison, William Blake, Julia Quinn, and Maya Rodale.
Charlie writes unique stories with unconventional characters who push against the rigid restrictions of their society. Officially, Charlie has a Ph.D. in literature with a focus on the nineteenth-century novel and children’s literature and answers to Professor. Unofficially, she’s a high-flying circus-obsessed acrobat, with an emphasis on two-tail silks and answers to Muscles Magee. She lives with her own Colonel Brandon, two little dudes, and a furry fella in East Tennessee.
Visit Charlie at www.charlielaneauthor.com.

A Gentleman’s Guide to Courtship Series
The Debutante Dares Series
Q&A with Charlie
What is the first book that made you cry?
Either Bridge to Terabithia or Where the Red Fern Grows. I remember both of those tore my tiny little heart out.
Would you like to live in the time period and places you write about in your books?
No, not really. Women had it really bad during the Regency period. Mortality rates were super depressing for both women and children. And a lot of other reasons. Frankly, I think if Jane Austen were given the option, she’d choose the 21st century, too.
Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
I hide literary allusions like CRAZY, so yeah, kind of.
What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
I am a plotter who then pantses my way away from the plot and has to plot again when everything is in dire confusion.
As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
I always answer rhinoceros for this question. Have you seen them? They sleep in the sun all day long. That would be me if I could get it.